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Financial Statement Builder

Generate precise financial statements effortlessly with our all-in-one platform.

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Simplify financial reporting

Escape the chaos of scattered statements in Word and Excel. Embrace efficiency with Stamped's Financial Statement Builder – your unified platform for streamlined reporting. Create precise statements, reduce errors, and increase reliability.

Financial statement builder

All-in-one platform for comprehensive financial statements

How it works

Select templates based on entities

Start by choosing a template that suits your requirements, whether it's a compilation engagement, review, or financial statement. Our user-friendly platform empowers you to personalize your experience, ensuring the generated statements align perfectly with your unique needs.

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Tailor-made templates
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Edit and export seamlessly from auto-generated PDFs
PDF financial statements

Add notes and account analyses

Enrich statements by effortlessly adding personalized notes and detailed account analyses. Flexibility for CPAs to include essential insights at the bottom of the document.

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Custom insights: add personalized notes
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Detailed analyses: enhance reports with thorough account analyses

Ready to explore more?

Find out how our Financial Statement Builder makes creating financial reports simple and easy!

Request a demo